From Antarctica to Hawai’i
Brenda Tremblay interviews Glenn McClure about his trip to Antarctica in 2016 to study the sounds of the ice and then on to his new National Science Foundation grant to study the sounds of volcanoes in Hawaii. Read the entire article here.
“If you pay attention to science news, you might be concerned by recent reports from both The United Nations and the U.S. Federal Government warning of the effects of climate change. Skeptics abound, however, and there seems to be little political will to make large-scale changes to the way we live. That’s why, in part, the National Science Foundation is sending artists and musicians to far-flung places all over the planet. ” –Brenda Tremblay, WXXI News
When he returned to Western New York, McClure used a mathematical conversion process to turn sound wave data from those seismometers into a piece of music called “Tremble,” premiered last year by singers at the State University of Geneseo conducted by Gerard Floriano.
More music has emerged from the composer’s time on the ice. This spring Rochester chamber Madrigalia and Artistic Director Cary Ratcliff premiered another Antarctica-inspired choral piece, “Cry.” The words?
The ice is crying. The waters will rise with every tear.