Somos Hermanos – The Third International Festival of Folklore

Somos Hermanos – The Third International Festival of Folklore

Four years ago, my god son Jonathan Canning stood beside me on a stage in El Sauce, Nicaragua, facing over 1,500 people. The most famous musician of Nicaragua, Carlos Mejia Godoy, called out to the crowd, “Because Glenn and Jonathan are here singing with us, it proves that whether you come from the US or Nicaragua, from Cuba, Canada, or Brazil, we are all brothers and sisters of America!” With a roar of applause, we launched into one of Carlos’ most famous songs, Nicaragua, Nicaraguita while every voice rose up with ours.

Nicaragua 2017

The Rainy Season

The rainy season of Nicaragua brings sun in the morning, creeping clouds soon after lunch and short-lived, pounding rains in mid-afternoon.  The next day, we start all over again. Rarely do we enjoy a gentle warning of tiny drops, announcing the arrival of their louder, more aggressive counterparts. There is only one volume setting on…