Glenn's photo on trail in Hawaii - NPR Special Blog

NPR’s All Things Considered – Like the Air We Breathe

National Parks are like the air we breathe. I usually don’t think much about the air. It’s invisible, but it’s always there. I take it for granted while I go about my day. However, I get highly focused when suddenly I can’t breathe. Unless the National Parks are part of our vacation plans, they are…

Rainbow Photo in Hawaii by Glenn McClure

Creative Time

I am very grateful for the creative time of this residency. While I usually compose music in the narrow windows of time between teaching, grant writing, and other duties, this has been a welcome month of greater focus on the creative process

Lava Caverns in Hawaii - photo by Glenn McClure

What Lies Beneath – Lava Tubes

My best wishes for a happy and meaningful New Year! Today is New Year’s Eve, the day that often brings introspection and resolutions toward better behavior in the coming year. As we look toward another journey around the sun, it is worth taking a lesson or two from the lava tubes.