Glenn Speaking at TEDx SUNY Geneseo

TEDxSUNYGeneseo – Music in the Numbers

This talk explores the connection between Music, Mathematics and Science from its origins in Ancient Greece to Glenn McClure’s recent work with the European Space Agency Operations Center Choir. He demonstrates how numerical data sets can be translated into melodies and harmonies, thereby rediscovering the dynamic relationship between Science and the Arts.

Glenn Speaks at TedXSJFC Video
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TedXSJFC – Ear to the Ice

Glenn McClure, who serves on the faculties of both SUNY Geneseo and the Eastman School of Music, will be working on a National Science Foundation Artists & Writers Fellowship through mid-November (2017) with Peter Bromirski and his associates from the University of California San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Bromirski is the principal investigator on the project, which is employing seismic sensors on the Ross Ice Shelf to better understand the Antarctic melting process and the viability of the shelf.